Hong Kong Schools Music Festival and Speech Festival
70th Anniversary Gala
Highlights of the Gala broadcast on RTHK Radio 4 : Chinese Orchestra (02:28) / Cantonese Operatic Song (15:09) / Drama Medley (25:57) / Piano Concerto (42:00) / Primary School Choir (59:35) / Secondary School Choir (1:10:00) / Chinese Speech Performance (1:22:03) / Finale (1:37:03) Presented by the Hong Kong Schools Music and Speech Association, the 70th Anniversary Gala includes a variety of music and speech performances. It celebrates the Association’s achievements in inspiring local young talents over the past 70 years. Led by internationally-acclaimed conductors, the Gala pools together renowned guest artists and past winners from across the territory for Cantonese Operatic Song, Chinese Orchestra, Choir and Orchestra, and Speech performances. Date : 9 September 2018 (Sunday) Time : 7:30 pm Venue : Hong Kong Cultural Centre, Concert Hall
慶典節目精選部分於香港電台第四台播出: 中樂團 (02:28) / 粵曲 (15:09) / 英語戲劇 (25:57) / 鋼琴協奏曲 (42:00) / 小學合唱團 (59:35) / 中學合唱團 (1:10:00) / 中文朗誦 (1:22:03) / 大匯演 (1:37:03) 七十周年慶典由國際殿堂級指揮家帶領歷屆音樂節和朗誦節優勝學校之學生,聯同本地著名音樂家,攜手呈獻聯校交響樂團、中樂團、合唱隊和朗誦演出,節目內容豐富,包括敲擊樂協奏曲、鋼琴協奏曲、粵曲、合唱、中文朗誦匯演及英文戲劇表演,由聯校合唱隊及交響樂團作壓軸演出。 日期:2018年9月9日(星期日) 時間:晚上7時30分 地點:香港文化中心音樂廳 |