Inspire ‧ Evolve ‧ Ascend
A Recollection of Hong Kong Schools Music Festival and Speech Festival
七十韶華樂聲聞遠近 萬千學子誦藝喜承傳
A panorama of the development of the Festivals over 70 years, the exhibition has witnessed the growth of tens of thousands of students and the milestones of arts and cultural education in Hong Kong. Precious photos and reports of the past will be shown piece by piece. Date : 3-10 September 2018 Venue : Foyer, Hong Kong Cultural Centre 回顧展於香港文化中心大堂舉行,展現音樂節和朗誦節過去七十年的重要發展,在香港藝術教育史上舉足輕重,見證了無數青少年人的成長歷程和藝術成就。 日期:2018年9月3日至10日 地點:香港文化中心大堂 |