The Hong Kong Schools Music and Speech Association (HKSMSA) is a non-profit making organisation founded in 1940. We have been organising the Hong Kong Schools Music Festival and Hong Kong Schools Speech Festival to encourage students to excel in music and speech performances and to promote them to the international platform since 1949. Open to students of kindergartens, primary schools, secondary schools and post-secondary institutes, the Festivals have always been two of the major events on the calendar of the local education sector. Featuring a wide choice of more than 600 competition classes, the Music Festival and the Speech Festival drew over 300,000 participants. Every year a total of 4,000 competitions are staged for students of different age groups at venues all over Hong Kong. We invited more than 150 distinguished educators, speech experts, musicians and performers all over the world to adjudicate at the Festivals. Every year, we offer scholarships to outstanding prize-winners of the Festivals to go abroad to learn from other young talents at international events. Some of the scholarship recipients took part in the overseas musical competitions, summer music camp and public speaking competition. These memorable trips broadened their horizon and enhanced their personal growth. We also stage performances given by prize-winners every year, and run workshops and seminars for teachers from time to time. 香港學校音樂及朗誦協會成立於1940年,為非牟利機構,自1949年開始主辦香港學校音樂節及香港學校朗誦節,藉以鼓勵同學發揮音樂和朗誦方面的才華,力求達至世界級水平。音樂節及朗誦節為幼稚園、小學、中學及專上學院的同學而設,一直以來皆屬本港教育界的盛事。 每年音樂節和朗誦節共設多達611個比賽項目,參賽同學超過30萬名。我們為不同年齡組別的同學安排了4,093場賽事,比賽場地更廣佈全港。評審方面,我們邀請到150多位來自世界各地的傑出教育工作者、朗誦專才、演奏家及演藝名家出任評判。 每一屆音樂節和朗誦節皆設奬學金,資助出色的比賽優勝者前往海外參加國際性活動,向其他同樣才華洋溢的年輕人好好學習。音樂節部分奬學金得主參加了英國威爾斯蘭戈倫國際音樂節的賽事,部分參加了歐洲青年音樂夏令營;朗誦節的奬學金得主更代表香港,前赴倫敦參加以英語進行的國際演講大賽。這些難忘旅程拓濶同學視野,並有助個人成長。 此外,我們每年為音樂節及朗誦節的比賽優勝者安排音樂會和表演機會,並不時推出為老師而設的工作坊和研討會。 |