Inspire ‧ Evolve ‧ Ascend
七十韶華樂聲聞遠近 萬千學子誦藝喜承傳
The Hong Kong Schools Music Festival and Speech Festival have been rooted in Hong Kong for 70 years. Sharing the enthusiasm and experience of the predecessors, we continue to promote the arts education in Hong Kong and adding new elements to the Festivals in order to enrich the programme, making them more compatible with students’ artistic growth. The Festivals provided performance stage for generations of students, witnessed the growth of their artistic development, and walked with them the paths of glory, frustration, friendship and persistence. We hope to render support to the students with opportunities to learn the art of music, literature and drama, to hone young talents’ artistic skills to achieve personal evolution. This echoes the slogan of the 70th Anniversary of the Festivals: Inspire ‧ Evolve ‧ Ascend ! 學校音樂節及朗誦節至今已歷經七十年,紮根香港,一方面秉承前人精神、熱誠及經驗,堅持不懈籌辦比賽,持續推動香港藝術教育;另一方面為音樂節和朗誦節加入新元素,以求進化蛻變,使比賽更配合學生的需要。 學校音樂節及朗誦節為歷代學子提供表演舞台,見證他們成長的歷程,在比賽中初嘗榮光、挫折、友誼、堅持等等的滋味,都是生命中不可或缺的經歷。協會期望音樂節及朗誦節為學生帶來接觸音樂、文學、戲劇等藝術的機會,因着不同作品和對手,力求個人的進步。這正實踐了香港學校音樂節和朗誦節七十年來承傳與進化的精神! |