Message from the President
For the past 70 years, the Hong Kong Schools Music and Speech Festival has brought together young people, to celebrate their creative talents. It has been my honour and privilege to see firsthand how these young artists, through music and the spoken word, have amazed, inspired and motivated their audiences. It is therefore my great pleasure to congratulate the Hong Kong Schools Music and Speech Association as they celebrate this milestone. This platform, where young people can indulge their passion in performing Western and Chinese music or literature, has become one of Hong Kong’s most anticipated annual events. In fact, both the Music and Speech Festivals have over the years also become one of the largest events of their kind in the world. I salute all those who are involved in the Festivals. I am grateful to the Association for their commitment to nurture the talents of the city’s youth and I am astounded by the level of talent and ability of all the participants. May the next 70 years be as joyful, moving and successful as the past 70. Congratulations to everyone! Dr. Rosanna Wong Yick-ming, DBE, JP President Hong Kong Schools Music and Speech Association 過去七十年來,香港學校音樂節及朗誦節凝聚本地熱愛音樂與朗誦的年輕同學,分享他們的創意與天賦才華。本人作為香港學校音樂及朗誦協會會長,能夠親自見證這些優秀學生透過參與,啟迪、感染並觸動無數觀眾朋友,實在至感榮幸。欣逢香港學校音樂節及朗誦節慶賀成立七十周年,我深懷感恩,衷心祝賀協會踏進新的里程。 學校音樂節及朗誦節是香港學界每年一度的盛事,也是讓熱愛音樂和朗誦的青少年得以一展所長的獨特平台。他們融匯中西音樂與文學精髓,全情投入表演;以賽事規模而言,更是同類活動中世界稱冠。 本人藉此謹向參與學校音樂節及朗誦節的全體仝人致敬。對於協會上下成員,致力以培育香港年青一代的藝術文化與潛能為使命,我更由衷感謝。事實上,參加者精湛和遠超水準的造詣,總教我驚嘆不已。 我衷心祝願香港學校音樂及朗誦協會未來七十年的成就更顯輝煌,再攀新的高峰。 謹此向大家再表誠摯賀忱! 香港學校音樂及朗誦協會 會長 王䓪鳴博士, DBE, JP |