Message from Chief Executive
It gives me great pleasure to congratulate the Hong Kong Schools Music and Speech Association on the 70th anniversary of its “Hong Kong Schools Music and Speech Festival.” Over the past seven decades, the Association has given students from all backgrounds the opportunity to participate in the arts at a deeply felt level – performing Western and Chinese music and reciting drama, poetry and prose. More than 300,000 students take part in the festivals each year, and their high artistic standards are recognised by the festivals’ international adjudicators as well as the public. The experience students gain in the festivals is irreplaceable, contributing to their personal growth and the development of a life-long interest in music and literature. The Association’s membership embraces 1,233 schools and colleges, along with 130 associates. I know that a good many, from Hong Kong and from overseas, are taking part in the 70th anniversary gala, showcasing their talent and passion for the arts in joint-school orchestras, choirs, drama performances and other inspired presentations. In doing so, they reflect the Association’s longstanding mission – to “Inspire, Evolve, Ascend.” I wish the Association’s Hong Kong Schools Music Festival and Speech Festival a happy 70th anniversary, a memorable gala and continuing success in bringing together the arts and the youth of Hong Kong. Mrs Carrie Lam Chief Executive Hong Kong Special Administrative Region 由香港學校音樂及朗誦協會主辦的香港學校音樂節及朗誦節今年邁向七十周年,謹此衷心致賀。 回顧過去七十年,協會為不同背景的學生,提供各式各樣參與藝術的機會,包括中西音樂演奏、戲劇表演、詩詞和散文朗誦等。音樂節及朗誦節每年有超過30萬名學生參加,參加者的藝術水平相當高,得到世界各地的評判和社會大眾的高度評價。同學在比賽中獲得的經驗彌足珍貴,不僅成為他們個人成長路上的寶貴經歷,更讓他們深受藝術薰陶,把音樂和文學視為終身興趣。 現時,協會有1,233個學校會員和130位個人會員。音樂節及朗誦節七十周年慶典雲集本地和海外表演嘉賓,合力呈獻多個精彩節目,當中包括聯校樂團演奏、合唱團和融入戲劇元素的演出等,讓表演者盡情展示他們的藝術才華和表達對藝術的熱愛。「七十韶華樂聲聞遠近 萬千學子誦藝喜承傳」,這正好道出協會成立至今一直秉持的宗旨,而從表演者身上,我們可看到協會多年來的努力成果。 再次恭賀香港學校音樂節及朗誦節踏入七十周年,謹祝慶典圓滿成功,各位來賓有一個難忘的晚上。我亦祝香港學校音樂及朗誦協會百尺竿頭,更進一步,繼續帶領香港的年輕一代,走進多姿多彩的藝術世界。 香港特別行政區 行政長官 林鄭月娥 |