Message from Secretary for Education
香港學校音樂節及朗誦節是學界矚目的藝術盛事,讓學生展現多元的藝術才華。今年邁向七十周年,謹此衷心祝賀。 每年,朗誦節參加者以粵語、英語或普通話為媒介,鏗鏘流暢地演繹文本,呈現當中意境;音樂節參加者則以中西樂章、粵曲或自創作品,表達豐富情感,同時展現個人風格。參加者除在藝術上不斷探索、力臻完美外,更通過觀摩學會互相欣賞,通過合作懂得彼此尊重。這些都是學生全人發展的重要元素。 七十年來,參加者的演出水準不斷提高,不少更達到國際水平,這固然是學生本身的努力成果,但師長的啓發和家長的栽培亦功不可沒。各位來賓在今晚的慶典,便可以欣賞到當中佼佼者的傑出表現。藉此機會,我祝願香港學校音樂及朗誦協會在未來承先啓後,繼續培育熱愛藝術文化的新一代。 香港特別行政區教育局局長 楊潤雄 I would like to express my warmest congratulations on the 70th anniversary of the Hong Kong Schools Music and Speech Festival, a noteworthy arts event in the school sector for students to exhibit diverse artistic talents. In the Speech Festival each year, students interpret texts with power and eloquence in Cantonese, English and Putonghua. For the Music Festival, students express personal feelings and impress with individual style through Chinese and Western music performances, Cantonese operatic singing, and music composition. Participation in the Festivals not only motivates students to strive for artistic excellence, but also enables them to cultivate, through competition and cooperation, mutual appreciation and respect. These are essential elements for students’ whole-person development. The past seven decades have seen a continuous rise in students’ level of performance, and some of them have even reached international standards. This is of course the fruit of students’ hard work, but the guidance and support offered by teachers and parents should not go unmentioned. This evening, we are delighted to share the remarkable achievements of some of these talented students. I take this opportunity to wish the Hong Kong Schools Music and Speech Association greater success in the years to come. I also trust that it will remain dedicated to nurturing youngsters as passionate explorers in arts and culture. Kevin Yeung Secretary for Education Hong Kong Special Administrative Region |